Kashish loves to sing at school
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Give $240 » | Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school. |
posted June 11, 2013
Kashish is four years old and attends a school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior, Delhi, India. Her father, a taxi driver, is the sole provider for her family and struggles to fully support Kashish. Her parents realize the value of an education but cannot afford tuition to send her to school.
Amar Jyoti provides education for children like Kashish, who want to attend school but do not have the means to. With support from caring donors like you, Randy, Amar Jyoti is able to provide a well rounded education for Kashish.
Kashish is a good student that loves to sing with her classmates. Thanks to your generous donation, Randy, she is able to attend primary school for another year. Thank you, again, for improving Kashish’s life and future through education.
Give $240 » | Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school. |
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