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Deepti cannot hear, but she can draw!

Dear Ray and Lael, Sarah, Thomas, Tom, Tony, Amit, Katherine, and Saravanavel,

Eleven year old Deepti  is hearing impaired. She studies in the special class for hearing impaired students at Amar Jyoti. She comes from an economically deprived family. Her father works in a shop, and her mother assists the beauticians in a beauty parlor.

Not being well educated herself, Deepti’s mother realizes the importance of a good education. However, on account of her disability, none of the schools in Gwalior were interested in admitting her. Now that her daughter has got admission into the special classes that Amar Jyoti runs for hearing impaired children, Deepti’s mother does all she can to encourage her daughter to do well in studies.

Deepti has shown tremendous improvement after joining Amar Jyoti. She now keeps up with the rest of the class. Apart from studies, Deepti loves drawing and colouring. She is always immaculately turned out, and holds herself up as a role model for the other children.

Thanks to your generous support, Anthony, Amit, Sarah (x2), Ray and Lael (x2), Thomas, Tom, Katherine (x2) and Saravanavel (x2), Deepti can now attend a full year of school at Amar Jyoti!

Thank you all for coming together to support Deepti, it means a lot to Deepti and her family!

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