This impact story was published by Amar Jyoti. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Thank you for supporting Kirti’s education!

Dear Raza, Suneel, Alpa, Hemant, and Naresh,

Kirti is a 7 year old girl studying in the Special School at Amar Jyoti. She is speech and hearing impaired and is learning sign language at Amar Jyoti School. She is currently a little reserved in nature and is taking her time to open up with her classmates. Kirti comes from an economically underprivileged family. Her father is a fruit seller and her mother is a helper in school. She lives in a small rented house. She has two brothers and one brother is also affected by speech and hearing impairment. When Kirti joined, she couldn’t communicate well with her teacher and her peer group. Kirti has shown improvement in academics after getting individual attention from her teacher and she now can communicate with her classmates via sign language more effectively. She has shown good performance in her studies and cooperates with her teachers and classmates. Thank you Hemant, Naresh, Alpa, Suneel and Raza for your support of Kirti and Amar Jyoti!

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