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Twelve donors are supporting Pooja’s tuition!

Pooja Kaurav

Pooja is a 13 year old girl studying in 6th grade at the Amar Jyoti School in Gwalior, India.  Gwalior is about 200 miles southeast of New Delhi.  Although Pooja is a little shy by nature, she enjoys coming to school and learning new things.  Pooja’s family makes very little money. Her father earns daily wages working at a tea stall. Although her parents income is insufficient to cover Pooja’s school expenses, they are very engaged and regularly attend PTA meetings.  Since arriving at Amar Jyoti, Pooja has shown improvement in her academics thanks to special help from her teachers. She has also gradually become more social and enjoys spending time with her peers.  She especially enjoys sports and group activities.  It is thanks to twelve individual donors that Pooja will be able to continue her studies at Amar Jyoti.  Thank you Mr. Ittner, Theresa, Sunil, Subash, Mahendra, Shafeen, Mukesh, Christopher, Carol, Deborah, Yosia and Mike for your generous support of Pooja’s education!

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