Isha can continue reciting poems

Dear Anil, Adam, Prem and Swarn, Molly, Lee, Rupali, Mark and Lynn, David, James and Julie, and Greg and Monica,

Isha Sagar is a 4 years old, and lives with her family in Gwalior, India. Her father is a security guard, and her mother is a housewife – they barely make both ends meet.

Isha is studying in the nursery class at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti at Gwalior. Though she is regular in attending school, Isha is a fairly average student, and needs to be constantly motivated to concentrate on her work. The teachers at Amar Jyoti give a lot of extra attention to Isha to enable her to keep up with the rest of the class. Isha loves drawing and reciting the poems that she has been taught in class.

Though Isha is at best an average student, her parents realize the importance of an education, and encourage Isha all they can. They are also very active in the Parent Teacher Association of Amar Jyoti.

Thank you, Anil, Adam, Prem and Swarn, Molly, Lee, Rupali, Mark and Lynn, David, James and Greg and Monica. Your generous donation of tuition for Isha would enable her to continue her studies at a school that gives her the personal attention that she requires.

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Dream come true for a polio afflicted child!

Dear Carey, Callan, and Tricia,

Six year old Varun Sharma is affected with polio and walks with the help of calipers. He comes from an economically backward family- his father is a shop-keeper and makes a very modest income.

Varun is studying in grade 1, at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior, India. Despite his disability, he is a regular student. When Varun joined the school, he was a shy and reserved child who was slow in his work and weak in studies. But over time, with individual attention from his teachers, Varun has shown considerable improvement in his studies and is now an average student.

Varun loves drawing and singing and has also won prizes in inter-school competitions.

Since most schools in India do not admit children with disabilities, getting admission into the school run by Amar Jyoti is a dream come true for Varun.

Thank you, Carey, Callan and Tricia for your generous gift of tuition for Varun! With your support he can now achieve his dreams and reach his full potential!

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Gaurav’s academics and social skills are improving!

Creative Side
Dear Josh,

Gaurav is a 9 year old boy studying in 3rd grade at the Amar Jyoti School in Gwalior, India.  He is an easy-going, social and well mannered boy. He has had an open soft palate since birth, so his speech is not clear.

Gaurav comes from an economically underprivileged family and has one sister. His father works in a sweet shop, where his income is not enough to support the family. Gaurav was behind in his studies when he joined the school and needed individual attention in all of his subjects. He was also a little reserved and did not communicate much with his peers.

With time, Gaurav has shown an improvement not only in academics but in extra curricular activities as well. He likes coloring pictures and he participated in the race competition on Children’s Day at Amar Jyoti School. According to Gaurav’s teacher, he has shown improvement in class room activities. Thanks Anne, Josh, Josiah and Isaiah for your support!

Give this gift » Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school.

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Chetan Loves School!

Dear Naresh, Saravanavel, and Carey,

Chetan is 6 years boy studying in the 2nd grade at Amar Jyoti School in Gwalior. He is a simple, social and well mannered boy. Chetan comes from an economically underprivileged family. He lives in a joint family and has one brother. Chetan’s father works as a driver. His father’s income is not enough to support the family.

When he joined the school he was average in studies and needed a little attention in all subjects. He was also a little reserved and did not communicate much with his peers. Chetan has shown improvement in academics after getting little attention from his teacher and parents. He has secured 71% marks in his annual exams. Now he is studying in 2nd grade. Chetan likes colouring pictures. He participated in a drawing competition on Children’s Day at his school.

Chetan has shown good performance in his studies . He is cooperative with his class-mates. And likes to play with his peer-group.  He has transformed from an introvert to an active student.

Naresh, Saravanavel, and Carey–we are so gratefully for your donations. Your generosity allows Chetan to continue and do well in school! Thank you so much!

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Amit has shown improvement in his academics!

Amit is a 9 year old boy in second grade at the Amar Jyoti campus in Gwalior, India. He is a social and well mannered boy.

Amit comes from an economically underprivileged family. His father is a laborer in a shoe factory and his income is not enough to support the family’s needs. Amit has one little sister.  Amit was average in his studies when he joined the school. He needed individual attention in all of his subjects. He was also a little reserved.

Despite these unfavorable circumstances, Amit has shown tremendous improvement in his academics.  With his own efforts and the individual attention he received from his teachers and parents, he secured 78% marks in 1st grade! Amit is also very good in art and drawing, and enjoys coloring pictures.

Thank you Neil, Ashley, Saravan, Karan and Bhuvita for your support of Amit and Amar Jyoti!

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Thank you for supporting Kirti’s education!

Dear Raza, Suneel, Alpa, Hemant, and Naresh,

Kirti is a 7 year old girl studying in the Special School at Amar Jyoti. She is speech and hearing impaired and is learning sign language at Amar Jyoti School. She is currently a little reserved in nature and is taking her time to open up with her classmates. Kirti comes from an economically underprivileged family. Her father is a fruit seller and her mother is a helper in school. She lives in a small rented house. She has two brothers and one brother is also affected by speech and hearing impairment. When Kirti joined, she couldn’t communicate well with her teacher and her peer group. Kirti has shown improvement in academics after getting individual attention from her teacher and she now can communicate with her classmates via sign language more effectively. She has shown good performance in her studies and cooperates with her teachers and classmates. Thank you Hemant, Naresh, Alpa, Suneel and Raza for your support of Kirti and Amar Jyoti!

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Lalita is starting Kindergarten!

Dear Vidya,

Lalita is a 6 year old girl studying in the Nursery Class at Amar Jyoti School. She is a social and well mannered girl. She enjoys coming to school and likes coloring pictures and playing passing the ball with her classmates. Lalita’s father is a laborer. He earns very limited daily wages. Her mother passed away due to high fever and now Lalita’s elder sister looks after the family.  Her father’s income is insufficient to fully support the family. Lalita is a very hard working and sincere student. She performed extremely well in academics and secured 91% marks in her annual exams – ranking her 1st in her class. As a result, she will be joining the Kindergarten class!  Thank you Vidya for your support of Lalita and Amar Jyoti!

Give this gift » Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school.

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Thank you for contributing to Rizwana’s education!

Dear Ravi,

Rizwana is a 7 year old girl studying in the Nursery Class at Amar Jyoti School. She is a lovely and charming girl.  She is frank, active, talkative and likes coloring pictures. Rizwana lives in joint family living quarters in a slum area. Her father is a carpenter working in a small furniture shop and is the sole wage earner in the family. Rizwana has three brothers and one sister.

Rizwana joined the school last year and needed some extra attention in all subjects. Despite family hardships, Rizwana showed great improvement in academics and secured 78% marks in her annual exams – ranking her 2nd in her class.  Now she will be starting kindergarten! With time she is getting more comfortable with the school environment which is reflected in her active participation in almost all the class activities. Thank you Ravi for your support of Rizwana and Amar Jyoti!

Give this gift » Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school.

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Babli is learning English, Hindi and Math!

Babli is eight years old!
Dear Aimee, Denice, Mark, Margaret, Kripal, Sebastian, Agustina, Glynda, and Carey,

Babli is an eight years old girl studying in the special section at Amar Jyoti School, Gwalior. She is a mentally challenged girl. Babli is a sweet and charming student, and is regular in coming to school. She is always excited to learn new things in her class! She comes from an economically under privileged family. Her father works sporadic day jobs, and her mother is a house wife. She lives in a small rented room. Because the family’s environment is not pleasant, her mother is keen to send Babli to school.

When Babli first came to school, she struggled to pay attention to her teachers and did not cooperate with her class mates. She needed individual attention, and spent little time with her peers. With time, she has shown improvement in her studies after getting individual attention from her teachers. She cooperates much better with her teachers and peers. She writes simple words in Hindi, English and is starting math!  Babli is able to continue her studies thanks to generous donations from Aimee, Denice, Mark, Margaret, Kripal, Sebastian, Agustina and Glynda.  Thank you all for your generous support!

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Twelve donors are supporting Pooja’s tuition!

Pooja Kaurav

Pooja is a 13 year old girl studying in 6th grade at the Amar Jyoti School in Gwalior, India.  Gwalior is about 200 miles southeast of New Delhi.  Although Pooja is a little shy by nature, she enjoys coming to school and learning new things.  Pooja’s family makes very little money. Her father earns daily wages working at a tea stall. Although her parents income is insufficient to cover Pooja’s school expenses, they are very engaged and regularly attend PTA meetings.  Since arriving at Amar Jyoti, Pooja has shown improvement in her academics thanks to special help from her teachers. She has also gradually become more social and enjoys spending time with her peers.  She especially enjoys sports and group activities.  It is thanks to twelve individual donors that Pooja will be able to continue her studies at Amar Jyoti.  Thank you Mr. Ittner, Theresa, Sunil, Subash, Mahendra, Shafeen, Mukesh, Christopher, Carol, Deborah, Yosia and Mike for your generous support of Pooja’s education!

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