The Ever-smiling Rani

Dear Rupma, Michael, Marc, Pritam, Tracy, Aaron, Sanjiv-Rajani, Adam, and Anil,

Eleven year old Rani studies in grade 2 at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior. Her father is a landless laborer, and her mother works as a domestic worker to make both ends meet.

She has a very cheerful nature, and always has a smile for everyone. Though much older than her classmates, Rani was only an average student when she joined. Her teacher gave her a lot of individual attention, and now, she is good in all subjects. Rani draws well and is very fond of dancing.

Thank you, Adam, Anil, Sanjiv and Rajani, Rupma, Michael, Marc, Pritam(x2), Tracy and Aaron (x3) for supporting another year of Rani’s tuition at Amar Jyoti, Gwalior. Your donations will ensure that Rani continues receiving good education.

Thank you all for your support!

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Varsha has shown marked improvement

Dear Eran, Naresh, Arlene, Devin, Devin, George, Rick and Beth, Peter, Mary Ellen and Jim, and Susan,

Eight year old Varsha is a student of Grade 2 at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior. Both her parents are employed in private firms, but their collective family income is still very low. Her parents realize the value of a good education, and her mother, in particular, encourages Varsha to study. Despite the encouragement at home, Varsha is not very regular in attending school.

When Varsha started school, her academic performance was mediocre. She was also very shy and rarely spoke in class. With individual attention being paid to her, she has shown marked improvement, and her handwriting, in particular, is very neat.

Varsha loves to take part in extra curricular activities- she is a good dancer and singer, and has even won prizes in inter-school competitions.

Your donations, Eran, Naresh (x2), Arlene, Devin (x3), George, Rick and Beth, Mary Ellen and Jim, Peter and Susan will enable Varsha to continue receiving a good education at Amar Jyoti, Gwalior.

Thank you for your generosity.

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Deepti cannot hear, but she can draw!

Dear Ray and Lael, Sarah, Thomas, Tom, Tony, Amit, Katherine, and Saravanavel,

Eleven year old Deepti  is hearing impaired. She studies in the special class for hearing impaired students at Amar Jyoti. She comes from an economically deprived family. Her father works in a shop, and her mother assists the beauticians in a beauty parlor.

Not being well educated herself, Deepti’s mother realizes the importance of a good education. However, on account of her disability, none of the schools in Gwalior were interested in admitting her. Now that her daughter has got admission into the special classes that Amar Jyoti runs for hearing impaired children, Deepti’s mother does all she can to encourage her daughter to do well in studies.

Deepti has shown tremendous improvement after joining Amar Jyoti. She now keeps up with the rest of the class. Apart from studies, Deepti loves drawing and colouring. She is always immaculately turned out, and holds herself up as a role model for the other children.

Thanks to your generous support, Anthony, Amit, Sarah (x2), Ray and Lael (x2), Thomas, Tom, Katherine (x2) and Saravanavel (x2), Deepti can now attend a full year of school at Amar Jyoti!

Thank you all for coming together to support Deepti, it means a lot to Deepti and her family!

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Anuj looks forward to the games period

Dear Sanjay,

Five year old Anuj studies in Nursery at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti at Gwalior. He comes from a low income family- his father is a laborer and his mother is a housewife. Though both his parents realize the value of a good education, they would not have been able to afford to send Anuj to a good school without support.

When Anuj joined the school a year back, he was a conscientious student, but was unable to write anything. With the personal attention given by his teachers, he has now learnt to write, and is doing well in studies.

Anuj was a very reserved child, but he now loves reciting poems in class. He is also very good at games, and never misses and opportunity to kick a ball on the field.

Thank you, Sanjay. Your very generous donation of a year of tuition will ensure that Anuj continues to receive a good education.

Give this gift » Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school.

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Abhishek concentrates on his studies

Dear David, Peter, ANNE, George, Mary Ellen and Jim, Tema, Mahendra, Chris and Emily, Pradeep, Rajeev, and Ted and Pam,

Abhishek is seven years old and is studying in the second grade at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior. Abhishek comes from family with a very low-income income- though his father works for a private firm, his monthly salary is very low.

When Abhishek got admission in the school in grade one, he was very weak in studies, but the personal attention given by the teachers has ensured that his grades have been steadily improving. Both his parents recognize the value of a good education and support him as much as possible.

When Abhishek joined the school, he was very reserved, but he has now opened up and has become rather talkative. He is very good in sports and has won races at the inter-school level.

Thank you, David, Peter, Anne, George, Mary Ellen & Jim, Mahendra, Chris & Emily, Tema, Pradeep, Ted & Pam and Rajeev (x2) . Your donation of tuition will enable Abhishek to continue to bloom at Amar Jyoti, Gwalior.

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Sandhya loves music

Dear Michael, Marc, Pritam, Tracy, Madie/Jim, Entrepreneurship, Maddie, Christy & Michael, Jd, Rajeev, and Payal,

Six year old Sandhya studies in kindergarten at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti in Gwalior. She is an able bodied girl, but suffers from dual personality disorder. Both her parents are laborers and their combined monthly income is barely enough to cover the family’s expenses. Though they realize how important it is to send their children to school, they would not have been able to without financial support from Amar Jyoti.

This is Sandhya’s first year in the school. When she joined, she was very reserved, and showed no interest in being a part of her peer group, but she has opened up since then. Sandhya is good in Hindi and Mathematics, but though her handwriting is neat, she needs to improve in English. Since she is a very sincere student, her teachers are sure her performance will improve. Sandhya also loves music, and is good at it.

Thank you Rajeev, Michael, Marc, Pritam (x2), Tracy, Madie and Jim, Carlos, Maddie, Christy, Jd Lasica and Payal. Your support will ensure that Sandhya continues to get a good education. And you can be sure the next time Sandhya draws a picture, you will feature on it.

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Akash loves drawing

Dear David,

Eight year old Akash is a student of kindergarten at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti at Gwalior. He comes from a poor family- his father is a laborer, and his mother works as a maidservant to make both ends meet.

Akash is mildly hyperactive, and can never sit still for too long. When he was first admitted to the school, he was weak in studies and very reserved. Akash has shown an improvement in his studies, but continues to receive special attention from his teachers. Akash loves drawing, and is also very good at sports.

In anticipation of your donations, Amar Jyoti enrolled Akash in school at the start of the academic year. Thank you, David, for ensuring that Akash can continue his studies. When Akash draws his next masterpiece, he will be sure to include you in the picture.

Give this gift » Give $240 and provide one year of school tuition for a child who cannot afford to go to school.

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Kishan excels in academics

Dear Anna, Rohan, Ronnie, Neil, Patricia, Holly, B n T, and Steve,

Five year old Kishan is a normal child, studying in Kindergarten at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti at Gwalior. He comes from an economically disadvantaged family; his father is a tailor.

Kishan is an intelligent child, who does well in academics. He is an introvert, but his teachers are working on him so they can draw him out a bit. Kishan draws very well, and is also a good singer. He has represented his school in several inter-school competitions and has even won prizes.

Thank you, Neil (x2), Holly, Anna, Rohan, Ronnie, Patricia, Brandon, Steve (x4). Your donation ensures that Kishan continues to attend school, and excel in all the subjects.

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Kajal is an artist!

Dear Rupma, Subhash, Patricia, Pat, Mary Ellen and Jim, Cindy, Dwayne and Terese, Dean and Julie, Katherine, and Tom,

Six year old Kajal suffers from cerebral palsy, and studies in Nursery at the integrated school run by Amar Jyoti at Gwalior. She comes from an economically disadvantaged family; her father drives an autorickshaw.

When Kajal joined the school, she was weak in studies, and found it hard to concentrate in class. The individual attention she gets from the teachers has ensured that she has caught up with her peers.

Kajal draws very we!ll, and has received prizes in inter-school drawing competitions. She is a regular student, who does not allow her disability to come in the way of participating in all the activities of the school.

Thank you, Tom, Mary Ellen (x2), Dwayne and Terese, Dean and Julie, Kate, Rupma, Subhash, Patricia (x2), Pat, Cindy. Your generous donation has ensured that Kajal will continue to get personalized attention in school.

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Mohit loves to dance


Dear Richard, Todd and Jennie, Dan and Mishele, Brad, Eddie, Lowry, Akiko, David, James, Jeffrey, Rao, and Luke and Ani,

Five year old Mohit  is hearing impaired. His family struggles financially; his father is a laborer and his mother is a housewife.

When Mohit joined the special classes conducted by Amar Jyoti, Gwalior, he could not even write the letters of the alphabet. He can now recognize all the letters of the alphabet, and writes very neatly. He is a very sincere student, and does well in all the subjects.

In addition to being a good student, Mohit dances very well and loves art.

Thank you, David, Jeffrey, Akiko, James, Rao, Wat, Richard, Todd and Jennie, Misheles, Brad, Eddie, Lukeani. Your donation has ensured that Mohit will continue getting a good education at Amar Jyoti.

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